
If you have been a consistent reader of this blog, you might notice this shirt and capri pants I'm wearing. I have blogged it before. For those who haven't seen it yet, you may see it here and here.

This is what I wore to our School's Sports Fest or as they call it INTRAMS. I don't know how and where they got the name. This was the last day of the Sports Fest and me and my friend supported our team's basketball players because they got in to the finals. Our team was actually orange but I was wearing our opponents color which is blue. Unfortunately they didn't win (our efforts in screaming and supporting went all blahh!) but it's okay, I'm satisfied with the result. Atleast they tried all their best. Go ORANGE!

I used my friends camera to take these shots. Her Macro lens were pretty cool and I am hoping I can buy one soon. Credits to Shaira Olaya! She's actually a good photographer. She was the one who took the shots  I blogged before. You can see it here and here

P.S. I am planning on having a Big Blog Birthday/Anniversary Giveaway since this coming December is "Just Keep Dreaming" 's 1st Anniversary so for all the shops who wants to join just e-mail me at .I would be very glad to include you in my blog giveaway!

Hope you like it! God bless!


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