Summer diaries: Tuesday is movie day

Because yesterday was Labor Day, and it was my free day from my review classes, my mom decided to bring us to the city to watch the movie the "The Avengers". I do think that almost all of you heard or know about it already. It was one of the best epic movie I have ever watched.Well I won't tell the story because I don't want to spoil those people who haven't watched it yet, I will let them decide whether it was great or not.

Let me know if you have watched? Tell me if you liked/loved it.

And then, right after watching the "The Avengers", we headed to my sister's favorite restaurant XTREMELY XPRESSO.

This was the Nut Pesto.


This was the Big ben.

After eating, we went to this park-like place in outside the Mall and took pictures. These are some of the photos.

Lastly, we went to Fullybooked. My favorite bookstore. It where mostly buy books. Yeah, I love reading.
This is my sister Hannah.

This was what happened to my Tuesday.

hope you like it! God bless!


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