It's the movie I watched: Courageous

Hi guys and gals! I just wanna share to you all what I have done last Sunday night. My cousins and sisters went home from Manila to visit our grandfather. We thought of watching a movie since in the they'll all be leaving and will be heading back to manila, so we all gathered in the living room. Me and my sister suggested to watch this movie. I have been wanting to watch this ever since my sister told me about it.

I won't be a spoiler, I just want you all my readers to take time to watch this movie. Feel free to ask me for a copy. All I can say is that it is one good movie, I loved it and I gotta be honest, I really cried over this movie.  It really touched me.

Psalm 31:24 "Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the Lord"

Hope you like it! God bless!


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